ISSN e: 2007-4026 / ISSN print:2007-3925



    Volume 15, Issue 1 January - June 2023   Creative Commons License


     15 1 January - June 2023  

   Creative Commons License

  • Maturation stage and quality of early harvest ‘Manila’ mango treated with 1-MCP and Ethephon

  • Maduración y calidad de mango ‘Manila’ de cosecha temprana tratado con 1-MCP y Ethephon

Berenice Alonso-Barrera; Crescenciano Saucedo-Veloz; Bertha Tlapal-Bolaños; Francisco Marcelo Lara-Viveros; Nadia Landero-Valenzuela

carotenoids, postharvest, Mangifera indica L., physicochemical characteristics, respiration


Received: 2022-01-07
Accepted: 2023-06-30
Available online: 2023-07-25

Introduction: Mango is commercially important; however, its shelf life is short, mainly early harvested mangoes from forced production systems.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 1-MCP and Ethephon treatments on the ripening stage and quality of early-produced mango fruit.
Methodology: Three treatments (control, Ethephon and 1-MCP) were studied, determining respiration rate, weight loss, external color changes (lightness and hue angle), and the contents of carotenoids, ascorbic acid, total soluble solids (TSS) and citric acid.
Results: Changes in respiration, color, loss of firmness and ascorbic acid were observed in Ethephontreated fruits in a shorter time, although their carotenoid and TSS content was higher at eating maturity. Fruits treated with 1-MCP had lower respiration and firmness loss, but weight loss was higher, and their external color was not the typical yellow.
Limitations of the study: Time and quantity of Ethephon and 1-MCP to improve mango maturation should be evaluated.
Originality: The information provided is significant to favor homogeneous mango maturation, as well as an alternative to delay its maturation.
Conclusions: The use of 1-MCP helps to delay mango maturation; weight and color losses were lower than expected with this treatment. Fruit maturation of Ethephon-treated fruits was homogeneous, but their shelf life was shorter

Introduction: Mango is commercially important; however, its shelf life is short, mainly early harvested mangoes from forced production systems.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 1-MCP and Ethephon treatments on the ripening stage and quality of early-produced mango fruit.
Methodology: Three treatments (control, Ethephon and 1-MCP) were studied, determining respiration rate, weight loss, external color changes (lightness and hue angle), and the contents of carotenoids, ascorbic acid, total soluble solids (TSS) and citric acid.
Results: Changes in respiration, color, loss of firmness and ascorbic acid were observed in Ethephontreated fruits in a shorter time, although their carotenoid and TSS content was higher at eating maturity. Fruits treated with 1-MCP had lower respiration and firmness loss, but weight loss was higher, and their external color was not the typical yellow.
Limitations of the study: Time and quantity of Ethephon and 1-MCP to improve mango maturation should be evaluated.
Originality: The information provided is significant to favor homogeneous mango maturation, as well as an alternative to delay its maturation.
Conclusions: The use of 1-MCP helps to delay mango maturation; weight and color losses were lower than expected with this treatment. Fruit maturation of Ethephon-treated fruits was homogeneous, but their shelf life was shorter

  • Estimating the crop coefficient of forage maize using remote sensing

  • Estimación del coeficiente de cultivo del maíz forrajero por teledetección

Gerardo Delgado-Ramírez; Martín Alejandro Bolaños-González; Abel Quevedo-Nolasco; Adolfo López-Pérez; Juan Estrada-Ávalos

Zea mays, satellite imagery, vegetation indices, evapotranspiration, FAO-56 Manual


Received: 2022-09-02
Accepted: 2023-07-26
Available online: 2023-09-12

Introduction: The crop coefficient (Kc) methodology is used to estimate actual evapotranspiration. The basal crop coefficient (Kcb) represents the potential baseline of the Kc value, and its relationship with vegetation indices calculated with spectral information is the most widely used for its estimation.
Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the Kcb of forage maize at plot level using spatially exhaustive and temporally dynamic radiometric information.
Methodology: NDVI and SAVI spectral indices were estimated in two study plots. Kcb was determined using nine algorithms: six based on NDVI and three based on SAVI. Their accuracy was evaluated by comparing it with the Kcb reported in the FAO-56 Manual. Accuracy was evaluated by comparing it with the Kcb reported in the FAO-56 Manual.
Results: The estimated Kcbvalues ranged from 0.13 to 1.12. They overestimated the FAO values at the initial stage and underestimated them at the final stage. The best evaluated algorithms were Campos KcbNDVI, showing an average relative error (ARE) of 11.6 % in the whole vegetative cycle in Plot 1, and Argolo KcbNDVI in Plot 2, with an ARE of 8.3 %.
Limitations of the study: This methodology should be tested under non-standard conditions, especially those that may stress the crop or with high moisture content in the topsoil.
Originality: The study showed that it is possible to estimate the Kcb of forage maize at plot level by non- invasive methods, dynamically, in a specific site and with quasi-real time monitoring of crop development.
Conclusions: This methodology was found to be suitable for estimating the Kcb of forage maize due to its accuracy, practicality and availability of information for large extensions of crops.

Introduction: The crop coefficient (Kc) methodology is used to estimate actual evapotranspiration. The basal crop coefficient (Kcb) represents the potential baseline of the Kc value, and its relationship with vegetation indices calculated with spectral information is the most widely used for its estimation.
Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the Kcb of forage maize at plot level using spatially exhaustive and temporally dynamic radiometric information.
Methodology: NDVI and SAVI spectral indices were estimated in two study plots. Kcb was determined using nine algorithms: six based on NDVI and three based on SAVI. Their accuracy was evaluated by comparing it with the Kcb reported in the FAO-56 Manual. Accuracy was evaluated by comparing it with the Kcb reported in the FAO-56 Manual.
Results: The estimated Kcbvalues ranged from 0.13 to 1.12. They overestimated the FAO values at the initial stage and underestimated them at the final stage. The best evaluated algorithms were Campos KcbNDVI, showing an average relative error (ARE) of 11.6 % in the whole vegetative cycle in Plot 1, and Argolo KcbNDVI in Plot 2, with an ARE of 8.3 %.
Limitations of the study: This methodology should be tested under non-standard conditions, especially those that may stress the crop or with high moisture content in the topsoil.
Originality: The study showed that it is possible to estimate the Kcb of forage maize at plot level by non- invasive methods, dynamically, in a specific site and with quasi-real time monitoring of crop development.
Conclusions: This methodology was found to be suitable for estimating the Kcb of forage maize due to its accuracy, practicality and availability of information for large extensions of crops.

  • Light pulses flashed to Atta cephalotes face for control in fruit trees

  • Pulsos de luz en la cara de hormigas Atta cephalotes para control en frutales

Fruit tree ant control, Atta cephalotes, precise-LED stimulation, dark-adaptation


Received: 2022-04-26
Accepted: 2023-07-26
Available online: 2023-09-12

Introduction: Worker ants follow paths to fed their nest and their eyes require to adapt themselves under light intensity variations.

Objective: This proposal aims to study the effect of different illumination techniques in a trail and force ants to change of trajectory before feeding from a tree.

Methodology: Ants walking through a trail were illuminated by one of 3 different ways: light fed from the top L300 arrays, light reflected by a mirror or by a precise eye flashing system. Frequency, pulse-width and light intensity were controlled studying as variables collision, adaptation time and recovery time.

Results: The precise illuminator at 300 lx never damaged the ant visual system. As it was increased to 900 lx the forerunner ant collided and presented adaptation problems up to 1169s. It was pushed to the trail end by another ant. When two ants collided they finished returning to the trail entrance.

Study limitations: The reflected mirror system is useful at laboratory level, but its application is dependent on ant size and speed.

Originality: The system was able to determine a lightning system to ensure that ants do not climb fruit trees. L300 arrays are economic and practical to optimize its use in field.

Conclusions: Light affects ants as they travel through the trail. A L300 array placed horizontally at the trail-end, diverted ants’ direction from the main path in all the tests. It is dependent on light intensity, frequency and pulse-width.

Introduction: Worker ants follow paths to fed their nest and their eyes require to adapt themselves under light intensity variations.

Objective: This proposal aims to study the effect of different illumination techniques in a trail and force ants to change of trajectory before feeding from a tree.

Methodology: Ants walking through a trail were illuminated by one of 3 different ways: light fed from the top L300 arrays, light reflected by a mirror or by a precise eye flashing system. Frequency, pulse-width and light intensity were controlled studying as variables collision, adaptation time and recovery time.

Results: The precise illuminator at 300 lx never damaged the ant visual system. As it was increased to 900 lx the forerunner ant collided and presented adaptation problems up to 1169s. It was pushed to the trail end by another ant. When two ants collided they finished returning to the trail entrance.

Study limitations: The reflected mirror system is useful at laboratory level, but its application is dependent on ant size and speed.

Originality: The system was able to determine a lightning system to ensure that ants do not climb fruit trees. L300 arrays are economic and practical to optimize its use in field.

Conclusions: Light affects ants as they travel through the trail. A L300 array placed horizontally at the trail-end, diverted ants’ direction from the main path in all the tests. It is dependent on light intensity, frequency and pulse-width.