Introduction. Measuring gains and losses in land use and vegetation allows us to understand the dynamics of changes in natural protected areas.
Objectives. To analyze changes in land use and vegetation in the Forest Protected Area of the southern rivers of Querétaro.
Materials and Methods. The areas of land use and vegetation were quantified for the years 1997, 2009, and 2016. Changes and trends were analyzed using geographic information systems. Possible causes of the dynamics of change were examined based on field visits and a socioeconomic survey in five localities (94 households) within the area of influence.
Results. The net loss over the 20 years was 1 026 ha (16 %) of oak forest and 472 ha (100 %) of pine-oak forest. Secondary shrubby oak forest increased from 21 ha to 1 088 ha (+5 000 %). Vegetation associated with productive activities such as induced pastureland increased 119 ha (98 %), while agriculture expanded 128 ha (6 %). Survey information indicates that 11 % are engaged in agriculture and 30 % use firewood as an energy source; furthermore, 90 % perceive that illegal logging is associated with high charcoal production.
Conclusion. The dynamics of land use and vegetation changes from 1997 to 2016 is moderate with losses of forest importance such as oak forest, caused by human activities according to the perception of the villagers.
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