- Forest management modifies the amount and composition of organic matter and microbial activity.
- Intensive management causes greater imbalance in microbial processes compared to selective methods.
- Intensive management damages the structure, nutrient reserves and microbial communities of soils.
- Affectations depend on the intensity of biomass extracted, environmental and site conditions.
Introduction: The increase in the intensity of wood harvesting has a negative influence on ecosystem functions of soils in temperate and boreal forests.
Objective: To understand the impacts of intensive and extensive forest management methods on the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils, and consequences on nutrient availability and stabilization processes in temperate and boreal forests.
Results and discussion: Intensive forest management methods can generate greater imbalance in the processes of availability and stabilization of nutrients, compared to selective methods. The impact is reflected in the deterioration of soil structure and the decrease of nutrient reserves and microbial communities. These damages affect fertility and functionality of soil, decreasing long-term productivity. Affectations depend on the intensity of biomass extracted, environmental conditions and site preparation. This makes evident the need to monitor forest management and its impact on soil ecology in temperate forests, which maintains long-term productivity and ensures the availability of wood volumes.
Conclusion: In Mexico, the impact of forest management has been scarcely analyzed and it is indispensable to understand the functional changes in the processes that determine soil fertility and forest productivity.
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