- The noise level in the assessed sawmills is high with an average of 93 dB(A).
- The greatest hearing risk to the worker comes from the head saw, resaw and swing saw areas.
- The thermal comfort of 20 °C ensures that the worker can be exposed 100 % of the workday.
- The lighting level is high, exceeding the 2 000 lx recommended for sawmills.
Introduction: Sawmill workers carry out their work in an adverse physical environment that influences their well-being, not knowing if safety levels in the area are acceptable.
Objective: To analyze workers’ exposure to noise, thermal comfort, and lighting at five workstations in six sawmills in the El Salto region of Durango, Mexico.
Materials and methods: The physical variables of the work environment were measured directly at three times of the day for seven workdays at five workstations (forklift, edger, swing saw, resaw, and head saw). The maximum allowable time of exposure to noise, thermal comfort through effective temperature, and lighting of the work area were determined. Statistical differences in physical variables between workstations, sawmills and times of the day were detected by analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis median range comparison tests.
Results and discussion: The noise level (85 to 102 dB[A]) represents a greater hearing risk at the head saw, resaw and swing saw workstations as it exceeds 90 dB (A). Thermal comfort was 20 °C, which ensures that the worker can be exposed 100 % of the time of the workday to this temperature. Lighting levels were high, exceeding 2 000 lx.
Conclusions: The noise and lighting levels are high in the assessed sawmills and pose a risk to the safety of workers if the mandatory use of ear and eye protectors is not monitored.
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