Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Spatial analysis of phenotypic variables in a clonal orchard of Pinus arizonica Engelm. in northern Mexico
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


cone production
tree size variables
spatial distribution
G statistic
geographically weighted regression

How to Cite

Alvarado-Barrera, R., Pompa-García, M., Zúñiga-Vásquez, J. M., & Jiménez-Casas, M. (2019). Spatial analysis of phenotypic variables in a clonal orchard of Pinus arizonica Engelm. in northern Mexico. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 25(2), 185–199.


  • The phenotypic traits of Pinus arizonica were modeled to determine their behavior and distribution.
  • Phenotypic traits do not present a random spatial pattern, but tend to cluster.
  • Cone production of Pinus arizonica is related to crown diameter.
  • This geospatial approach improved the understanding of clonal orchard dynamics.


Introduction: Seed orchards provide germplasm genetically suitable for use in forest restoration. Knowledge of the spatial distribution of attributes is crucial for their management. Objective: To model cone production and tree size variables in a clonal orchard of Pinus arizonica Engelm. from a geospatial perspective in order to determine their behavior and distribution. Materials and methods: The spatial pattern of tree size variables and cone production of 126 ramets were determined through a geospatial analysis, using the Getis-Ord G statistic. A Pearson correlation analysis (P ≤ 0.05) determined the variables best associated with cone production and these were examined with stepwise regression. In terms of cone production, the best combination was modeled through a geographically weighted regression. Results and discussion: Statistically significant (P < 0.01) clustering values were found in the orchard. Correlation analysis showed that all tree size variables, including the moisture index, were statistically related to cone production. Stepwise regression identified a model that presented crown diameter as the variable that best explained cone production. Geographically weighted regression showed that crown diameter moderately influenced cone production. Conclusion: Tree size variables and cone production presented a tendency towards clustering. The use of a geospatial perspective allowed a better understanding of the spatial dynamics of tree size variables.


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