Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Germination of two varieties of Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb. fromthe Lacandon Jungle, Chiapas
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


seed cover
coconut water

How to Cite

Toledo-González, K. A. ., Levy-Tacher, S. I., Macario-Mendoza, P. A., & de Nova-Vázquez, J. A. (2018). Germination of two varieties of Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb. fromthe Lacandon Jungle, Chiapas. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 25(1), 85–94.


  • Pre-germination treatments included soaking in water and coconut water, and immersion in boiling water.
  • Coconut water was used as a natural source of cytokinins.
  • Germination of Ochroma pyramidale was greater in immersion in boiling water treatments.
  • Ochroma pyramidale tolerates longer immersion in water at 100 °C than O. pyramidale var. bicolor.
  • Coconut water had no significant effect on the germination of O. pyramidale seeds.


Introduction:  Ochroma pyramidale  (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb.  is a fast-growing native species ofeconomic and ecological importance. It is currently the only species in the genus Ochroma.
Objective: To determine the effect of seven pre-germination treatments applied on seeds of O.pyramidale  in  its typical variety and  O.   pyramidale  var.   bicolor  (Rowlee)   Brizicky   in   theLacandon Jungle.
Materials and methods: Seven germination treatments were evaluated: control, soaking in waterat room temperature (Soaking12h and Soaking24h), immersion in boiling water at 100 °C (Boiling3s and   Boiling10s) and  immersion   in   boiling   water   and   soaking   in   coconut   water   (Boiling3s  +Soaking24h,   and   Boiling10s  +   Soaking24h).   Coconut   water   was   used   as   a   natural   source   ofcytokinins.
Results and discussion: Germination of O. pyramidale in its typical variety (62 to 69 %) wasstatistically higher (P = 0.05) with treatments that included immersing the seeds in boiling water.In the case of O. pyramidale var. bicolor, the highest germination values were obtained by theBoiling3s (64 %) and Boiling3s + Soaking24h (59 %) treatments. The O. pyramidale var. bicolorseeds were susceptible to the boiling water immersion time, since germination was statisticallygreater (P = 0.05) at 3 s than at 10 s.
Conclusions:  Treatments   that   included immersion in   boiling   water had   a   greater effect ongermination. Coconut  water  had no  significant  effect  on  the variable;  therefore,  the  use  ofsynthetic cytokinins is suggested in order to control the phytohormone dosage and thus verify itseffect on germination.


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