Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Characterization of four pinyon pine forests in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


Pine nut
Pinus cembroides
Pinus maximartinezii
edaphic factors
physiognomic structure

How to Cite

Barrera-Zubiaga, E. J. E. ., Granados-Sánchez, D. ., Granados-Victorino, R. L., & Luna-Cavazos, M. (2018). Characterization of four pinyon pine forests in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 24(3), 275–296.


  • Communities studied: San Juan de Hornillos, Sierra de Órganos, Concepción del Oro and Cerro de Piñones.
  • Floristic richness was 244 species.
  • Pinus cembroides, association of P. cembroides - P. cembroides var. bicolor; and P. maximartinezii were dominant.
  • PH, electrical conductivity and soil texture influence structure and plant composition.


Introduction: Communities dominated in the canopy by pinyon pines harbor species richness and have complex physiognomy because they form an ecotone between arid and temperate zones.
Objectives: To describe the floristic attributes that distinguish four communities dominated by pinyon pines; define units based on floristic composition and structure; and determine the influence of edaphic factors.
Materials and methods: The flora of four communities in the state of Zacatecas was recorded. The arboreal and shrub vegetation was analyzed quantitatively using the point-centered quarter technique. Semi-realistic physiognomic profiles were made for each site. The groups resulting from cluster analysis were ordered with edaphic factors through a canonical correspondence analysis.
Results and discussion: Floristic richness was 244 species; each community contains between 60 and 80 species. Structurally, three physiognomic variants were recorded: forests dominated by Pinus cembroides Zucc.; association of P. cembroides - P. cembroides var. bicolor Little; and forest dominated by P. maximartinezii Rzed. The pH, electrical conductivity and soil texture have a great influence on the structure and plant composition of the communities. The P. cembroides - P. cembroides var. bicolor association and its accompanying species develop in nutrient-poor soils, while P. maximartinezii forests prefer shallow soils.
Conclusion: The floristic similarity among communities was low. Each community must be managed differently, meeting the particular requirements of the species that develop there.



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