Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Development of crown profile model for Pinus cooperi Blanco in the UMAFOR 1008, Durango, Mexico
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


crown width
crown length

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Soto-Cervantes, J. A. ., López-Sánchez, C. A., Corral-Rivas, J. J., Wehenkel, C. A. ., Álvarez-González, J. G. ., & Crecente-Campo, F. (2016). Development of crown profile model for Pinus cooperi Blanco in the UMAFOR 1008, Durango, Mexico. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 22(2), 179–192.


A crown profile model for Pinus cooperi Blanco in UMAFOR 1008 (El Salto, Pueblo Nuevo, Durango) was developed from data corresponding to 92 sampled trees. Trees with well-formed crowns were selected from stands varying in age, density and site quality. Diameter at breast height, total height, crown width, crown length, and crown profile were measured  in  each  tree.  To  predict  the  crown  profile,  basic  geometric  shapes  and  several mathematic models were evaluated. The model developed by Hann (1999) best described the experimental data of the total crown, light crown, and shaded crown, accounting for over 92 % of the observed variability.


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