Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Allometric equations commonly used for estimating shoot biomass in short-rotation wood energy species: a review
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


Woody crops
allometric model
Web of Science

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Ríos-Saucedo, J. C., Acuña-Carmona, E. ., Cancino-Cancino, J., Rubilar-Pons, R., Návar-Cháidez, J. de J., & Rosales-Serna, R. (2016). Allometric equations commonly used for estimating shoot biomass in short-rotation wood energy species: a review. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 22(2), 193–202.


Wood energy crops in a short rotation coppice (SRC) commonly consist of single-stem tree individuals in the first short cycle, but from the second cycle onward numerous sprouts or shoots emerge from each stump, resulting in interesting challenges when estimating their biomass. The aim of this study was to identify species, rotation length and types of allometric models used to estimate biomass in SRC through a  detailed  search  of  the  scientific  journals  in  the  Scopus  and  Web  of  Science  databases. Among the most commonly used models to estimate biomass (y) is the typical exponential model,  which  has  the  following  predictors:  diameter  at  breast  height  (D)  (y=b0Db1), stem  basal diameter (Db) (y = b0Dbb1) and the combination of diameter at breast height squared by total height (D2H) ( y= b0 + b1 D2H) 1 D 2H), stands out. The genera with the largest number of different models were Populus, Salix and Eucalyptus. The first two are the most studied. The rotation length used in the crops studied ranged from one to 15 years.


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