Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Taper model by type of soil for Pinus radiata in the regions of Biobío and the Araucanía, Chile
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


Generalized model
forest management
wood optimization

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Rodríguez-Toro, R.-T., Rubilar-Pons, R., Muñoz-Sáez, F. E. ., Cartes-Rodríguez, E. ., Acuña-Carmona, E. ., & Cancino-Cancino, J. (2016). Taper model by type of soil for Pinus radiata in the regions of Biobío and the Araucanía, Chile. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 22(2), 203–220.


A new generalized taper model for Pinus radiata is presented in some types of soils. This is a non-linear model fitted with data from 264 trees aged between 15 and 31 years, harvested in 27 stands located in 11 communes from the Biobío and the Araucanía, Chile, in three different types of soils, i.e. volcanic sand, volcanic ash and marine sediments. The generalization of the model was achieved by incorporating stand state variables, and the subsequent simplification of it incorporating site variability in its parameters. The volume function obtained from the numerical integration of the taper model predicts over 97% of the variation in stem volume without bark estimated by the formula of Smalian in the three types of soils.


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