Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


shaded coffee
tropical trees
Sierra Norte de Puebla

How to Cite

Cruz-Márquez, U. ., Negreros-Castillo, P. ., López-Binnqüist, C. ., & Mize, C. W. . (2014). GROWTH AND PRODUCTION OF Trema micrantha (L.) Blume , TREE USED FOR AMATE PAPER. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 20(1), 131–142.


In the community of San Pablito in the Sierra Norte de Puebla, Trema micrantha (known in Mexico as jonote) generates 80 % of the bark used to produce one of the most important and well known Mexican handicrafts: amate paper. Most community members are involved in this economic activity; however, bark supply is irregular and inadequate and comes from far away. This study has three objectives: evaluate the interest of people from neighboring communities to increase the production of jonote, document the silvicultural practices and evaluate the growth rate (tree height and diameter). Out of 28 farmers interviewed 40 % were interested in increasing jonote production and 20 % use silvicultural practices such as pruning, elimination of shade, transplanting and adding organic matter. Based on the measurements of 396 trees of estimated age, this species can obtain an average diameter of 7 cm after one year and 16 cm after 5 years. The best growth was observed on sites with slopes less than 70 %, altitudes between 1,200-1,600 m, fertile soils and direct light. Recibido


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