Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Influence of morphological and environmental factors ondiameter growth of Caesalpinia gaumeri greenm in a tropicaldeciduous forest in Mexico
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


Dendrometer band
growth rate
diameter categories
crown quality

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Interián-Ku, V. M. ., Vaquera-Huerta, H. ., Valdez-Hernández, J. I. ., García-Moya, E. ., Romero-Manzanares, A. ., & Borja-De la Rosa, A. . (2014). Influence of morphological and environmental factors ondiameter growth of Caesalpinia gaumeri greenm in a tropicaldeciduous forest in Mexico. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 20(3), 255–270.


Caesalpinia gaumeri Greenm is an important timber species in the tropical deciduous forest in southeast Mexico. The trunks of this species are used as posts in rural construction. In this study we investigated which morphological and environmental factors influence annual diameter growth, in order to establish the best turnover period. Diameter growth in 32 trees located in four diameter categories were evaluated and classified according to quality and sunlight incidence on the crowns of the trees. The study lasted 22 months and the diameter at breast height was measured and recorded bi-monthly. The results indicate that Average Growth Rate (AGR) increased from the smallest to the largest diameter categories, from the damaged to the healthy crown qualities and from intermediate to total incidences of sunlight. Highest AGR was observed in diameter categories of 12.50 to 22.49 cm in trees with symmetrical crown quality and the crown under full sunlight. The cumulative AGR was highly significant (P < 0.001) and positively correlated (r = 0.94) with the precipitation. Good growth in diameter for C. gaumeri requires a combination of bigger stem diameter, healthy and symmetric crown, full incidence of sunlight on the crown and a rainy season.


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