Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


forest management

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Martiarena, R. A. ., Von Wallis, A. ., Fernández, R. A. ., & Knebel, O. E. . (2013). EFFECT OF ESTABLISHMENT TECHNIQUE COMBINATIONS ON INITIAL GROWTH OF Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 19(3), 387–397.


  • 66 % of the nutrients stored in the organic slash were released by the burn.
  • The growth increase by effect of the treatments was 43 %.
  • The growth consistent up to 36 months after application of treatments.


The effect of establishment technique combinations on initial growth of Grevillea robusta was evaluated in the northern area of the province of Corrientes, Argentina. The treatments included the combination of two factors. The first one was applied previous to planting G. robusta and consisted of slash management with two levels: a) slash conservation and, b) slash burning. The second factor consisted of fertilizer application with three levels: a) unfertilized, b) fertilized after plantation establishment and, c) fertilized a year after plantation establishment. The plantation establishment technique combinations changed the initial growth of G. robusta. The best combination was slash burning with fertilization during establishment. With this combination, the plantation achieved a 43.7 % increase in diameter at 36 months of age, which was superior to that obtained with the slash conservation with no fertilization treatment.


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