Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


Soil carbon
soil degradation
forest disturbance
forest harvesting
monarch butterfly habitat

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Pérez-Ramírez, S. ., Ramírez, M. I. ., Jaramillo-López, P. F. ., & Bautista, F. (2013). SOIL ORGANIC CARBON CONTENT UNDER DIFFERENT FOREST CONDITIONS: MONARCH BUTTERFLY BIOSPHERE RESERVE, MEXICO. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 19(1), 157–173.


  • Conserved sacred fir forests store 33% more soil organic carbon (SOC) than conserved pine-oak forests
  • Conserved sacred fir forests store 18-38% more SOC than disturbed and harvested forests
  • Conserved pine-oak forests store 62-87% more SOC than harvested and disturbed forests
  • Large variability in SOC was found in a relatively small area due to forest conditions
  • A significant proportion of SOC is also found in the lower soil horizons


Globally, the soil stores twice as much carbon as the atmosphere and nearly twice the amount stored in vegetation. Carbon storing capacity of the soil depends on its properties and land use. The aim of this study was to analyze the soil organic carbon content under different forest conditions within mountainous forests of the Monarch Butterfly Reserve in Mexico. We defined six sampling groups based on three forest conditions (conserved, harvested and disturbed) and two vegetation types (sacred fir and pine-oak). We calculated the carbon stock of four complete soil profiles in each group (N=24), starting with the A horizon. Results show differences in SOC content in soils under different forest types and forest conditions. Conserved sacred fir stands have an average SOC of 153 MgC·ha-1, while harvested and disturbed stands have 95 and 125 MgC·ha-1, respectively. In the pine-oak forests, average SOC content of conserved stands is 103 MgC·ha-1, while harvested and disturbed stands are 39 and 13 MgC·ha-1, respectively. Conserved forests hold 40-80 % of SOC within the A horizons. Therefore, SOC content should be taken into consideration when assessing the impact of forest management or any other forest conservation policy.


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