Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


Basic specific gravity
fiber saturation point
moisture content
dimensional stability

How to Cite

Muñoz-Acosta, F. ., & Moreno-Perez, P. A. . (2013). SKRINKAGES AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ACACIA MANGIUM, TECTONA GRANDIS AND TERMINALIA AMAZONIA PLANTATION WOOD FROM COSTA RICA. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 19(2), 287–303.


  • Fast-grown plantation wood with commercial interest at Costa Rican timber industry
  • Acacia mangium, Tectona grandis and Terminalia amazonia physical properties
  • Fast-grown plantation wood shrinkage’s from Costa Rica
  • Wood from plantation and natural forest has a similar dimensional stability


Based on ASTM standards D 2395-02 and D 143-94, total and normal shrinkage in radial (RS), tangential (TS) and volumetric (VS) directions and the total and normal TS/RS ratio were determined in the plantation woods Acacia mangium Willd., Tectona grandis L.f. and Terminalia amazonia A. Chev. Also, physical properties such as basic specific gravity (BSG), SG12% and SGovendry, green density (GD) and normal density (ND), fiber saturation point (FSP) and moisture content (MC) were determined. Some classification criteria, proposed by other researchers, were used to categorize the dimensional stability and physical properties of these species. Significant differences were found among the species for total RS, TS, VS and TStotal/RStotal, as well as for the physical properties BSG and FSP. The TStotal/RStotal ratio indicated that T. grandis has better dimensional stability. The linear regression (R2= 0.7769) indicated that FSP is a good indicator of VStotal magnitude. The plantation species of this study compared with those of the natural forest have similar dimensional stability but lower BSG.


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