Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


Chihuahuan Desert
natural resources

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Granados-Sánchez, D. ., Martínez-Salvador, M. ., López-Ríos, G. F. ., Borja-De la Rosa, A. ., & Rodríguez-Yam, G. A. . (2013). ECOLOGY, HARVESTING AND COMMERCIALIZATION OF THE ORIGAN (Lippia graveolens H. B. K.) IN MAPIMÍ, DURANGO. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 19(2), 305–321.


  • Communities of oregano collectors and marketing people of the Chihuahuan desert are located
  • Ecological characterization of habitat and growing sites of wild oregano is necessary
  • Oregano´s commercial and industrialization paths are integrated
  • Local uses of wild oregano in México are pointed


The oregano, Lippia graveolens H. B. K., is a plant adapted to arid conditions with the ability to thrive under varying degrees of harvesting pressure. In Mapimí, Durango, the plant has been gathered and marketed for years and provides a vital source of income for families that harvest it, although wholesalers reap the biggest share of the profits. In the Mapimí region, several producing areas were evaluated in order to determine the dynamics of harvesting and their effects on the plant. For this, field trips, sampling and delineation of oregano distribution areas were conducted. In addition, the production process and marketing channels were analyzed in order to design a management alternative that ensures the sustainability of the activity. The production and marketing process was studied through open interviews with producers, field trips and visits to the processing and marketing companies, as well as the intermediaries involved in different stages of the process.


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