Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828



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Neri-Ramírez, E. ., Rubiños-Panta, J. E. ., Palacios-Velez, O. L. ., Oropeza-Mota, J. L. ., Flores-Magdaleno, H., & Ocampo-Fletes, I. . (2013). MEASURING AND ESTIMATING THE BELOW-CANOPY LIGHT ENVIRONMENT IN A FOREST. A REVIEW. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 19(2), 273–285.


  • Extraction from the Cuautitlán-Pachuca aquifer in recent years has led to overexploitation
  • Average annual abatement of the static level in the period 1970-2010 was 2.1 m/year
  • Indicators were used to measure the degree of environmental, economic and social impact
  • The 1970-1990 system had a higher tendency towards equilibrium than the 1991-2010 one


The aquifer Cuautitlan-Pachuca occupies the northern portion of the basin of the Valley of Mexico, justifying its name from the presence of Cuautitlan in the State of Mexico and Pachuca in Hidalgo. This aquifer is overexploited at present, because the recharge is less than abstraction, for this reason in this work was estimated sustainability of the aquifer, using the framework for assessing management systems incorporating natural resources sustainability indicators (MESMIS). We performed a longitudinal study comparing of two systems, the first was analyzed for the period 1970-1990 (reference system) and the second for the period 1991-2010 (alternative system). They analyzed 14 environmental indicators, economic and social, for the two periods. We found that environmental and economic aspects present the greatest setbacks over the years, in the case of social indicators showed progress toward equity. We also found that 9 of the indicators presented closer to the optimum value proposed in the reference system and only five showed a close to optimal in the alternative system. The results show that the aquifer is less sustainable today.


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