Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


Humidity index
climatic indexes

How to Cite

Bautista, F. ., Bautista-Hernández, D. A. ., Álvarez, O. ., Anaya-Romero, M. ., & de la Rosa, D. . (2013). SOFTWARE TO IDENTIFY CLIMATE CHANGE TRENDS AT THE LOCAL LEVEL: A STUDY CASE IN YUCATÁN, MÉXICO. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 19(1), 81–90.


  • Moclic is a Data analysis system for monitoring regional and local climate change
  • Moclic is a processing tool of agroclimatic data
  • Moclic is a tool for identifying local climate change trends
  • Moclic can calculate derived variables related to potential evapotranspiration


The present work shows the architecture and capabilities of the software titled “Data Analysis System for monitoring regional and local climate change with agroclimatic indexes” (Moclic). The software works as: a) a database; b) a processing tool of agroclimatic data; and c) a tool for identifying local climate change trends. The advantages of using Moclic include its capacity for evaluating climate change within a graphical user interface. The software requires input data from weather stations containing the following information: station name, key number, locality and state, monthly average, minimum and maximum temperatures, monthly precipitation and the geographic coordinates of the station. Moclic can process the input data and calculate derived variables related to potential evapotranspiration and monthly and annual indexes for humidity, aridity, the growing season, precipitation concentration, erodibility, and soil leaching. Moclic software works in both English and Spanish. Finally, a case study of the Abalá station in the state of Yucatán, México is presented in order to show the applicability of Moclic at the local level. The results from the case study show the high accuracy of the Moclic for the prediction of climate change trends throughout the last 40 years, and suggest its high potential to be used in new climate scenarios.


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