Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
INFLUENCE FACTORS IN ROOTING OF CUTTINGS OF Abies religiosa (Kunth) Schltdl. et Cham
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


Vegetative propagation
age of cutting
indol-3-butyric acid
naphthaleneacetic acid

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Castillo-Flores, J. D. ., López-López, M. A. ., López-Upton, J. ., Cetina-Alcalá, V. M. ., & Hernández-Tejeda, T. . (2013). INFLUENCE FACTORS IN ROOTING OF CUTTINGS OF Abies religiosa (Kunth) Schltdl. et Cham. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 19(1), 175–184.


  • A rooting procedure has been defined for a hard-to-root forest species
  • Indol-butyric acid was the best hormone promoting rooting of cuttings
  • Neither declining symptoms nor cutting provenance influence rooting capacity of cuttings


Forest decline in Desierto de los Leones National Park in Mexico City affects Abies religiosa, a dominant and hard-to-root species in the region. As a result of this decline, the species requires propagation in the region through rooting of cuttings. In this study, a method of vegetative production was developed to determine whether the effect of origin, age of the material, type of hormone used and the presence of decline symptoms affect the rooting capacity of cuttings of this species. Three experiments were conducted, and only the third one produced rooting of cuttings. In this experiment, a substrate composed of peat moss and perlite was used to test rooting of cuttings of two origins, with and without symptoms, generated in two growing seasons and using two auxins (indol-butyric acid and naphthalene acetic acid), keeping the soil moisture between 75-80 %. The combination of these factors produced 16 treatments, which were replicated 50 times. Data were processed by factorial analysis of variance. Results indicate that early December is the best time to collect plant material for rooting of A. religiosa cuttings, as they are the youngest, and that those that received indol-butyric acid rooted the best. Origin and decline symptoms had no effect on rooting.


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