Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828



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Moncayo-Estrada, R. (2012). HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF THE BIOLOGY OF CHEREHUITA (Hubbsina turneri) (PISCES:GOODEIDAE), ENDEMIC AND THREATENED SPECIES FROM MEXICO. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 18(1), 101–110.


The present study integrates a historical description of different biological aspects of Hubbsina turneri in the Cuitzeo Lake and the Zacapu Lake in Michoacán. The historical analysis responds to the restricted and threatened situation of the species and provides important information to promote conservation. Length-weight relationship indicates an isometric growth mainly related to the individuals from the Zacapu Lake. The condition coefficient of fish was greater in Zacapu (3.41) than in Cuitzeo (3.29), aspect that could be related to better development conditions in Zacapu (food and habitat). 25.9 mm standard length was determined as the average size for the first reproduction in females. This species had multiple reproductive cycles and fry born continuously from April to November. Sexual proportion presented dominance from females on males. The stomach content analysis revealed that H. turneri is an epibentophagic to bentophagic carnivorous. Diet presented no significant difference when comparing populations from both lakes (MRPP analysis, A = -0.02, p = 0.71). The trophic level classified the species as primary consumer, related to the high detritus consumption. Finally, restoration measures must be implemented in Cuitzeo Lake, principally the wastewater diversion and treatment. In Zacapu Lake, conservation measures must be related to the restriction of spring water extraction to maintain the hydrodynamic ecosystem processes.


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