Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


plant density

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Villarreal-Espino-Barros, O. A. ., Plata-Pérez, F. X. ., Mendoza-Martínez, G. D. ., Martínez-García, J. A. ., Hernández-García, P. A. ., & Arcos-García, J. L. . (2012). RADIAL DISTANCE FROM WATER SOURCES, HIDING COVER AND COYOTE (Canis latrans) SIGNS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PRESENCE OF WHITE-TAILED DEER (Odocoileus virginianus). Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 18(2), 231–239.


The effect of radial distance from water sources (RDW) on plant volume, hiding cover (HC) and the presence of white-tailed deer was assessed. The study was conducted in the state of Puebla, Mexico. Stratified random sampling was used to select five areas with a RDW of less than 800 m, four between 800-1,600 m and four greater than 1,600 m. Plant volume was estimated in these areas and they were the starting point of transects in which HC and the number of white-tailed deer and coyote fecal pellet groups (PGs) were estimated. The number of white-tailed deer PGs increased as the RDW increased (Tukey; P < 0.05), while coyote PGs remained within the 800-m radius (X2 = 0.004). The RDW did not affect HC (Tukey, P > 0.05). The relationship between RDW, HC and PGs was established using Poisson and polynomial regression. Poisson regression showed that RDW and HC significantly changed (X2; P < 0.0004 and P < 0.0001) the PG number. The polynomial equation showed that HC has a good correlation (R2 = 0.72) with PGs.


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