The forests today face the problem of productivity; it is demanded to increase in quantity and quality. Forest growth depends on several factors, including soil, which acts on the tree by the water and min¬eral elements. Forest productivity is increased by improving nutrient availability through fertilization. Consequently, this research is aimed to study the nitrogen fertilization (0, 138, 185), phosphorus (0, 15, 21), and potassium (0, 123, 164) kg•ha-1 compared to the growth of new foliage, using a 33 factorial experiment in a Pinus patula Schl. et Cham plantation of 10 year old trees, in Aquixtla, Puebla, dur¬ing 2009-2010. The instantaneous relative growth rate (TCRI, by its acronym in Spanish) in terms of new growth was better (0.0255 mL•mL-1•day-1) with a 185-0-0 kg•ha-1 NPK dose; and TCRI dry weight was better (0.0254 and 0.0249 g•g-1•day-1, respectively) with a 138-0-0 and 138-0-123 dose. Nitrogen deficiency was determined, which was attributed to soil acidity and the slow mineralization of organic matter. The recommended dose for soil and climatic conditions of the experimental site was 185-0-0 kg•ha-1 for volume of new foliage and 138-0-0 NPK kg•ha-1 for dry weight.
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