Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


feeding habits
nutritional intake
Itza-Popo Zoquiapan National Park

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Martínez-García, J. A. ., Mendoza-Martínez, G. D. ., Alcantara-Carbajal, J. L. ., Tarango-Arámbula, L. A. ., Sánchez-Torres-Esqueda, T. ., Rodríguez-de Lara, R. ., & Hernández-García, P. A. . (2012). DIET COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIONAL CARRYING CAPACITY OF THE HABITAT OF THE VOLANCO RABBIT (Romerolagus diazi) IN MEXICO. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 18(3), 423–434.


The purpose of this study was to estimate the nutritional intake, plant biomass and the nutritional carrying capacity of the habitat of the volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi), plus its feeding habits, in Itza-Popo Zoquiapan National Park. Fecal pellets and plant samples were collected and analyzed microhistologi- cally. Dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber were determined in plants. Biomass and its nutritional carrying capacity were estimated. In turn, a digestibility assay was conducted with domestic rabbits using two treatments: Muhlenbergia macrura or Festuca tolucensis (80 % plus 20 % alfalfa hay). In half of the sites M. macroura was predominant and in the other half F. tolucensis; microhistiological analysis showed the predominant presence of the same forages. There were differences in biomass and carrying capacity among sites (P < 0.05), with one site standing out from the others. Inclusion of F. tolucensis increased (P < 0.05) digestibility compared to M. macroura.


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