Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


trophic web

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Navarrete-Salgado, N. A. ., Benítez-Maca, E. ., Jiménez-Escudero, V. M., Toledo García, K. I. ., & Elías-Fernández, G. . (2010). TROPHIC WEB OF THE FISH IN LA GOLETA RESERVOIR (SPRING 2007) IN THE STATE OF MEXICO. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 16(2), 155–164.


This study determined the trophic level of the ichthyofauna in La Goleta reservoir, located in the State of Mexico. A sampling was carried out in the spring of 2007 in which the following water parameters were recorded: temperature, depth, transparency, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, hardness, and alkalinity. In addition, fish were caught using a drag net. Stomach content analysis was performed using the numerical and volumetric method. The fish caught belong to three species: Menidia jordani, which is considered a generalist zooplanktofagous species, Cyprinus carpio, a highly generalist omnivore, and Carassius auratus, which is a generalist herbivore.


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