Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Carbon sequestration potential in Retrophyllum rospigliosii (Pilg.) C. N. Page plantations for restoration purposes in the Colombian Andean region
ISSNe: 2007-4018   |   ISSN: 2007-3828


aboveground biomass
belowground biomass
allometric equations
Husch model

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Ruiz-Erazo, C. E., Riascos-Acosta, R. I., Guerrero-Martínez, E. S., Marín-Vélez, A. M., Sierra, C. A., & Ramírez-Correa, J. A. (2025). Carbon sequestration potential in Retrophyllum rospigliosii (Pilg.) C. N. Page plantations for restoration purposes in the Colombian Andean region. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente, 31, e24009.


Introduction: Podocarpaceae is the only family of native conifers in the tropical Andes. In Colombia, Retrophyllum rospigliosii (Pilg.) C. N. Page is significant due to its wide geographic distribution; however, no biomass and carbon equations exist for this species.
Objective: To estimate the carbon capture potential of mature R. rospigliosii plantations established for restoration purposes.
Materials and methods: Thirty trees were selected based on diameter distribution of trees to evaluate stem volume and aboveground biomass, and 12 trees were analyzed to assess belowground biomass and carbon content in tree components (stem, branches, leaves, and roots). The variables—volume, biomass, and carbon—were correlated with diameter at breast height and total height using Husch and Spurr models.
Results and discussion: The adjusted models achieved R2 values greater than 94 %. The stem provided the highest percentage of biomass, followed by coarse roots, branches, fine roots, and leaves. Carbon content in R. rospigliosii components ranged between 41.08 % and 49.97 %. Over a 20-year period, high-density monoculture  plantations (1666 trees·ha-1) of R. rospigliosii were estimated to produce 316.26 ± 187.26 Mg∙ha-1 of biomass and sequester 156.08 ± 92.80 Mg· Mg∙ha-1 of carbon.
Conclusion: Biomass and carbon sequestration of R. rospigliosii in plantations were relatively low compared to individuals in natural forests. The models indicate the low productivity of this species in terms of carbon sequestration.


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