Introduction. The analysis of land cover and land use change (LCLUC) allows the identification of factors that generate changes in ecosystems.
Objective. To analyze the dynamics of LCLUC in a micro-watershed of the Pantepec river in the Otomí-Tepehua region, Hidalgo, for the period 1993-2018.
Materials and methods. Using vector data from series II (1993), IV (2007), and VII (2018) from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) and an unsupervised classification in QGIS 2.18.10, seven categories of land use and land cover were identified. The MOLUSCE (Modules for Land Use Change Evaluation) tool in QGIS
2.18.10 was used to obtain change matrices and maps. Consequently, the rate of change, loss, gain, total and net change, and exchange between categories were calculated for three analysis periods.
Results and discussion. From 1993 to 2018 there was a process of loss and gain for cloud forest with a rate of change of -3.21 %, driven by induced grassland and rainfed agriculture with rates of change of 3.75 and -2.38 % respectively. Over 25 years, rainfed agriculture decreased by 57 % in area, while induced grassland expanded by 251 %.
Conclusions. Land use categories with significant changes are located around San Bartolo Tutotepec, influenced by anthropogenic activities. There are variations in the forest categories, attributed to changes in the INEGI classification methodology between series II, IV and VII.
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