Introduction. Secondary vegetation in the state of Campeche forms the basis of agricultural and forestry production, and its biological capital depends on the fallow period elapsed.
Objective. To evaluate the potential of secondary vegetation to provide commercially valuable timber forest products (xiles and polewood) for construction.
Materials and methods. Areas with secondary vegetation (20 to 30-years fallow) and mature vegetation (>60 years fallow) were selected in forest lands of the Nuevo Becal ejido, Calakmul, Campeche. In both conditions, nine sampling units (20 x 25 m) were randomly established, where structural attributes and floristic composition were measured and compared. In the secondary vegetation, the density and volume of forest products were estimated and compared with harvested data.
Results and discussion. In the region, secondary vegetation is 60 % more diverse than mature vegetation. Secondary vegetation has greater richness (P < 0.0001), number of individuals (P < 0.0001), and basimetric area (P < 0.0001) of species useful for xiles and polewood compared to mature vegetation. Of the estimated forest products (xiles, polewood, and poles), 31 % are effectively harvested. The sale of timber products is considered profitable, potentially reaching 251 530 MXN·ha-1; however, the amount could be higher with targeted forest management practices.
Conclusions: Products such as xiles and polewood, are found in greater quantity and quality in secondary vegetation. Commercial use of secondary vegetation could reduce pressure on mature forests in the region.
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