- Fertilizers of eight and 12 months of nutrient release were evaluated on Pinus patula.
- The effect of fertilizer doses was significant on growth variables.
- Survival ranged from 75 to 95 % one year after field planting.
- The recommended nursery dose is 4 g∙L -1 of eight-month fertilizer and 4 g∙L -1 of 12-month release fertilizer.
Introduction: The use of fertilizers for forest plant production in nursery improves quality and favors field performance.
Objective: To identify the effects of fertilizer doses on the growth of Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham. under nursery conditions, and survival and growth under field conditions.
Materials and methods: A total of eight fertilization treatments with eight (Multicote Agri®) and 12 months (Multicote®) nutrient release times were evaluated at the GUMAIR nursery in Acaxochitlán, Hidalgo. Plants were established in the field and fertilization treatments were incorporated to evaluate survival and growth (height and diameter) after a year.
Results and discussion: Under nursery conditions, plants with 8 g∙L-1 of eight-month fertilizer in combination with 4 and 6 g∙L-1 of 12-month fertilizer release had the highest values (P ≤ 0.0001) in all variables. The combination of 4 g∙L-1 of eight-month fertilizer and 4 g∙L-1 of 12-month fertilizer release had the same effect as these treatments in diameter, root and shoot dry weight and Dickson’s quality index under nursery conditions, while under field conditions it caused higher survival (95 %) after a year of planting. The effect of these three treatments in the nursery agreed with the higher growth and N concentration in foliage under field conditions.
Conclusion: Plants with desired morphological characteristics and better field performance were obtained with 4 g∙L-1 of eight-month fertilizer and 4 g∙L-1 of 12-month release.
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