Currently, climate change represents one of the main problems faced by agriculture. This will have an impact on crop yields and Consumptive Use (CU). Therefore, the main objective of this study was to estimate water demand of crops of interest for Zacatecas (beans, maize, alfalfa, pepper and garlic) considering 2050 and 2070 climatic scenarios, in RPC 4.5 and 8.5 under the basis of the climate for the period from 1981-2010. To determine the UC of crops, the Hargreaves method was used, and an adjustment was performed with the Penman-Monteith method. Once the UC of the baseline period was recorded, an assembly of 11 general circulation models was used to develop climatic scenarios. Results indicate that the UC of beans, maize, alfalfa, pepper, and garlic could increase to 64.8, 78.3, 190.6, 73.2, and 50.2 mm, respectively, for RCP 8.5 in 2070. This implies more demand for water resources.
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