Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas
Effects of supplementation with protected tuna and linseed oils on performance, and lipid composition of Longissimus thoracis, Gluteous maximus, and Musculus deltoides in Rambouillet fattening lambs
ISSNe: 2007-526X


Fatty acid profile
meat quality
average daily gain
warm carcass yield
cold carcass yield

How to Cite

Sánchez-del Real, C., Razo-Herrera, G., Ruíz-Flores, A., López-Ordaz, R., Lara-Bueno, A., & López-Ordaz, R. (2013). Effects of supplementation with protected tuna and linseed oils on performance, and lipid composition of Longissimus thoracis, Gluteous maximus, and Musculus deltoides in Rambouillet fattening lambs. Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas, 22(2), 1–20.


The aim was to identify the effects of supplementation with tuna oil (TO) or linseed (LO) on the productive performance and fatty acid profile in Longissimus thoracis, Gluteous maximus and Musculus deltoides of Rambouillet lambs. Fifty animals were stratified by age and BW. Each stratum (n = 10) received one of five treatments for 35 days: 1) Complete sorghum-soybean diet (Control, C); 2) C+1.0 %TO, 01TO; 3) C+3.0% 03TO; 4) C+1.0 % LO, 01LO; and 5) C+3.0 %; 03LO. Lambs in 03TO showed higher average daily gain than C, 03LO, 03TO and 01TO (330 vs 320, 306, 304 and 288 g·d-1). In L. thoracis, muscle fat (MF) was higher with 03LO compared to other treatments and there were no effects (P > 0.05) in myristic. In G. maximus, GM was higher in 03LO, and myristic and palmitic were not affected. In M. deltoides, GM was higher than in C. In contrast, stearic, linoleic, linoleic, and arachidonic levels were not affected. In conclusion, supplementation with 3.0 % linseed oil improved average daily gain, muscle fat, palmitic acid concentration and n-6/n-3 ratio in L. thoracis. This level of supplementation also increased the concentration of stearic and arachidonic acids, and n-6/n-3 ratio in G. maximus. Supplementation with 1.0 % tuna oil improved stearic acid concentration and n-6/n-3 in G. maximus and improved stearic and palmitic levels in M. deltoides.


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