Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas
Evaluation of tillage methods and manure incorporation into corn silage production
ISSNe: 2007-526X


Vertical plow
disc plow
organic matter

How to Cite

Ramírez-Ibarra, J. A., Figueroa-Viramontes, U., Núñez-Hernández, G., Reta-Sánchez, D. G., & García-Hernández, J. L. (2016). Evaluation of tillage methods and manure incorporation into corn silage production. Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas, 15(2), 67–76.


This study aimed i) to evaluate the feasibility of using minimum tillage on the production of corn silage ii) to determine the combined effect of the tillage method and manure incorporation into soil organic matter. The experiment was conducted in the Comarca Lagunera in the spring of 2007 and 2008. A split plot experimental design was used to evaluate three methods of primary tillage (main plot) and manure incorporation (subplot). The results showed that it is possible to replace conventional tillage by minimum tillage using vertical plow, with the advantage of decreasing soil preparation time by 55 %, which means fewer diesel (54 %) and labor invested, without affecting the yield. The application of 40 t·ha-1 of manure did not affect the yield, but allowed a saving of 50 % of nitrogen and 100 % of phosphorus fertilizer, while increasing soil organic matter by 0.61 %.


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