Natural resource management in arid areas as elsewhere must be supported by an appropriate analysis of the real needs of the site. The aim of this study was to identify and evaluate different natural resource management alternatives, in order to develop management options to improve the physical conditions of the soil in rangeland and, in turn, contribute to the productive activities of the population. The study was carried out in the community of Roma-Texas, located at 25° 52’ 25.83” N and 103° 43’ 33.8” W at an elevation of 1,168m. Field trips were made to identify the main natural resource problems in the area. Using the RMS Planning Tool-SWAPA, possible alternatives that could be implemented at the site were defined, while with the help of experts in the field of natural resource management and the DSS Facilitator tool, the best alternatives for helping solve the problems of natural resource management in the area were evaluated and defined. Taking into account physical, social, economic and environmental factors, the best evaluated practices for their feasibility, viability and ease of implementation were: the establishment of woody plants (Prosopis spp) and grazing species, particularly buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.), which are able to adapt to the arid conditions of the area.
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