Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas
Foraging amplitude of the escamolera ant (Liometopum apiculatum Mayr, Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a semi-arid area of the Zacatecan highlands
ISSNe: 2007-526X


arid zones

How to Cite

Rafael-Valdez, J., Tarango-Arámbula, L. A., Ugalde-Lezama, S., Cruz-Labana, J. D., Clemente-Sánchez, F., & Cadena-Iñiguez, J. (2019). Foraging amplitude of the escamolera ant (Liometopum apiculatum Mayr, Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a semi-arid area of the Zacatecan highlands. Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas, 18(1), 05–19.


In Mexico, the “escamolera” ant (Liometopum apiculatum Mayr) is an economically important natural resource. However, its colonies are overused and its habitat and foraging activity have been scarcely studied. The objective of this study was to determine the foraging amplitude of L. apiculatum and the habitat variables that define it in Villa González Ortega, Zacatecas, Mexico. During 2014, 31 colonies of L. apiculatum were located. The foraging amplitude of the ant was determined by identifying foraging paths, their distances from the nest to foraging sites and their azimuths. The habitat variables most associated with foraging amplitude were determined by means of Frequency of observation (Fo), cladistic analysis (CA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The escamolera ant foraged in an area averaging 1 565.65 ± 535.63 m2 and the variables that most explained it were the presence of Agave salmiana, Yucca spp., Prosopis spp., Acacia farnesiana, bare soil, woody material and shrub cover. This study, on the foraging amplitude of the escamolera ant, provides information for designing strategies to manage and conserve its populations and habitats.


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