Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas
‘Manzanillo’ olive (Olea europaea L.) tree response to bioregulators and foliar urea application and its interaction with high temperatures
ISSNe: 2007-526X


parthenocarpic fruit
fruit set

How to Cite

Navarro-Ainza, J. A. C., López-Carvajal, A., & Enciso Lara, J. M. (2016). ‘Manzanillo’ olive (Olea europaea L.) tree response to bioregulators and foliar urea application and its interaction with high temperatures. Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas, 15(2), 77–88.


With the aim to improve fruit set and yield on olive trees some bioregulators and foliar urea were tested during three seasons and its interactions with high temperatures. Also, an empirical analysis of the inf luence of high temperatures on olive fruit set was carried out. No statistical differences were detected in yield (one season) among the treatments tested. Cytokin, Maxigrow and the Control showed a remarkably higher yield (over 6.2 t.ha-1), as well as a higher number of inf lorescences, although statistically non-significant. The same treatments showed higher fruit set values and Urea and Agromil-plus were the less effective treatments. Agromil-plus and Biozyme-TF treatments showed uniformity in all evaluated variables, having high values in normal fruits-NF (100 and 99.1 %, respectively) and the lowest ratios of parthenocarpic fruit-PF (PF/NF). In two of the seasons it was obtained NF with very high values (> 90 %) in all the treatments. The empirical analysis showed that a year with temperatures > 27 °C only obtained PF, while in years with temperatures > and < 27 °C showed both NF and PF. The occurrence of high temperatures either at the beginning or at the end of the f lowering period, strongly inf luences the fruit set.


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