Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas
Bioavailable zinc in soil for pecan tree nutrition
ISSNe: 2007-526X


Carya illinoensis
trace metals
organic matter

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Madrigal-Soteno, N. . A. . ., Ojeda-Barrios, D. . L., Guerrero-Prieto, V. . M. ., Ávila-Quezada, G., & Parra-Quezada, R. (2016). Bioavailable zinc in soil for pecan tree nutrition. Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas, 15(1), 1–7.


The pecan tree is one of the most cultivated fruit trees in Mexico because of its high profitability. This fruit needs significant amounts of zinc (Zn), which ranks as one of the micronutrients most required by this crop. The main effects of Zn in plant metabolism are observed in the synthesis of chlorophyll and tryptophan. It is also involved in enzyme activity related to the detoxification of reactive oxygen species. This nutrient deficiency is related to soil type. In order to understand the factors that inf luence zinc bioavailability in soil for pecan tree nutrition, the following review is presented. It is concluded that Zn deficiency in pecan orchards is more common in cold weather periods, wet springs, sandy soils with low organic matter content, alkaline pH and high levels of carbonates. This deficiency causes poor root development.


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