The Soconusco region, located in the state of Chiapas, is important because it is the most productive agricultural zone in the state, more than twenty plant species are grown there, including some short-cycle and other perennial species. The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) has been introduced recently and its potential distribution is unknown, regarding the natural characteristics of the area. Therefore, it was proposed to study and analyze this region from a soil-climate perspective, using existing information and the agroecological zoning tool proposed by FAO, adapted for Mexico and implemented in the region to determine the predominant environmental attributes in the area. As a result, it was found that there are 38 000 hectares without any restriction for cultivation and 115 500 hectares with some level of restriction. This latter portion of land could be used to produce a greater amount and quality of fruit, concluding that the area cultivated with this palm could still be expanded.
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