Revista Chapingo Serie Agricultura Tropical
Contributions for a public policy in the oil palm cultivation
ISSNe: 2954-3886


Multifunctional agriculture
biodiversity and biofuel


How to Cite

Ramírez-Hernández, B., & Almaguer-Vargas, G. (2023). Contributions for a public policy in the oil palm cultivation. Revista Chapingo Serie Agricultura Tropical, 2(2), e20220205.


The study was focused on the review of the national agricultural government and public policy for the humid tropics, related to the oil palm cultivation, emphasizing whether the production considers the agrobiodiversity conservation or promotion and whether it is carried out in practice. The literature review on the topic was developed by taking into account scientific studies, normativity, and production promotion programs. In addition, an orchard with practices focused on the generation of sustainable conditions was visited. Nowadays, oil palm plantations are developed under the monoculture system because the only interest is to acquire a greater profitability based on a maximum yield per hectare. The government and public policy avoid promoting plantations related to the agrobiodiversity and sustainability, however, some options could be to implement within plots, living fences with medicinal plants, ornamental plants, fruit trees, side-dressing, among others.


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