Revista Chapingo Serie Agricultura Tropical
Diversity, abundance, and uses of vegetables in milpas within a Tsotsil community of Huitiupán, Chiapas
ISSNe: 2954-3886


Edible leaves


How to Cite

Morales-Valenzuela, G., Hernández López, D. M., & Padilla-Vega, J. (2022). Diversity, abundance, and uses of vegetables in milpas within a Tsotsil community of Huitiupán, Chiapas. Revista Chapingo Serie Agricultura Tropical, 2(1), 5–16.


Quelites are edible wild plants, which are known as vegetables in some regions of the state of Chiapas and grow regularly in milpas and home gardens. The objective of this work is to know the diversity, abundance, and uses of vegetables in the milpas of Sombra Carrizal, Huitiupán, Chiapas. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used, mainly the ethnographic approach. The techniques used were the in-depth interview, participant observation and the sampling of the vegetables present in 10 milpas. Eight species of vegetables were found:white blackberry nightshade (Solanum nigrescens), purple blackberry nightshade (Solanum americanum), cuña or cuñay (Witheringia meiantha), common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus), tsuy (Liabum glabrum or Sinclairia discolor), mustard (Brassica juncea) and two varieties of cauliflower (Brassica sp). The most abundant species were purple blackberry nightshade, mustard and the two varieties of cauliflower. These species are the most important for the consumption of the peasant families of Sombra Carrizal. The most common forms of preparation are cooked, fried, grilled, and raw. In some cases, they are used as fodder plants to feed backyard animals and when there are surpluses they are marketed within the community. Most of the identified species are naturally propagated, however, in the case of cauliflower, it requires farmers to spread the seeds in the fields. Despite the loss of knowledge about their management and the increase in the use of herbicides, vegetables are still present in the fields of Sombra Carrizal.


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