Revista Chapingo Serie Agricultura Tropical
Rice production potential technology (Oryza sativa L.) in the state of Tabasco, Mexico and its contribution to food sovereignty
ISSNe: 2954-3886


Trade balance
average annual growth rate


How to Cite

Moctezuma López, G., Pérez Miranda, R., González Hernández, A., & Ramírez Sánchez, E. U. (2021). Rice production potential technology (Oryza sativa L.) in the state of Tabasco, Mexico and its contribution to food sovereignty. Revista Chapingo Serie Agricultura Tropical, 1(2), 9–23.


INIFAP's institutional mandate is to generate agricultural, livestock and forestry technologies
to increase productivity through the productive potential (PP) technique. Rice was chosen because it is an important crop in the Mexican diet, there is also a deficit in the production of this grain, which is remedied with imports that represent an outflow of foreign exchange for Mexico and Tabasco for having a strategic geographical location. The Rural Development Districts (RDD) of interest for rice cultivation are: Cárdenas, Villahermosa and Emiliano Zapata. Two types of productive potential were considered: medium and high. The objective of the work was to determine the productive potential for rice cultivation in thousands of hectares to contribute to the food sovereignty of rice in the basic basket of the country's consumers, as well as to contribute to a less deficit trade balance. The method for determining the productive potential was based on the detection of three categories and nine variables: i) climate (maximum, average and minimum temperatures and rainfall); ii) soil (depth, texture and edaphology) and iii) topography (altitude and slope). The amount of 257.9 thousand hectares that could be planted was identified with medium and high productive potential. The main DDR with high productive potential was Cárdenas with 69.7 %, which means 74.5 thousand hectares with rice. Finally, the detections of these agricultural areas can be included in government programs to support rice producers and thus increase their income levels to contribute to greater social welfare.


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