In view of the high cost of livestock feeding, the nutritional value of Fava beans (Vicia faba) waste
can be used in the feeding of sheep for different productive purposes and supplemental nutrition
programs. The objective of this study was to compare the productive parameters of fattening
sheep fed with whole-grain diets without and with the inclusion of fava beans (Vicia faba) waste
as a proteic alternative. The parameters were obtained in a particular production unit. Fifteen
Suffolk-cast sheep (41.11±3.88 kg) were selected, dewormed, vitaminated, immunized, tagged
and randomly distributed in three treatments: a control diet and two treatments with the partial
substitution of conventional protein sources (canola and soybean paste) by 15% of fava beans
waste. The 30-day experiment included measurements of initial weight, final weight, daily and
total feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion and feed efficiency. For data analysis, the repeated
measures technique was used with the SAS(TM) statistical package. There were no differences
in weight gain by treatment, but there were differences in feed conversion and feed efficiency,
showing similar results for the Canola-soybean and Fava beans-Soybeans diets. For these reasons,
fava beans waste can be used as a partial substitution of conventional protein sources in sheep
diets. However, it is recommended to test bean protein digestibility, measure the content of antinutritional factors, and evaluate percentages of use.
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