Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas
Estimation of potential CO2emission in agricultural soils of two watersheds in Durango state
ISSNe: 2007-526X


greenhouse gases
soil organic carbon
carbon loss

How to Cite

López-Romero, L. L., & Bueno-Hurtado , P. (2015). Estimation of potential CO2emission in agricultural soils of two watersheds in Durango state. Revista Chapingo Serie Zonas Áridas, 14(2), 219–226.


The agricultural sector generates environmental impacts by releasing greenhouse gases, considered potential factors in global warming. Soil organic carbon has a significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions because the loss of soil organic matter results in the release of CO2, the main gas emitted into the atmosphere. The objective of this study was to predict potential CO2 emission from the total organic carbon (TOC) in the soil in some agricultural areas in the India Arroyo, Arroyo Cerro Gordo and Arroyo de Naitcha watersheds in Durango state, using estimates based on IPCC models. The average concentration of TOC in the study sites was 1.33 %, while potential CO2 emission was 0.032 Gg, accounting for 1.03 % of the total emission from the soils of Durango state.


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