Alternative Food Networks as Ecosocial Laboratory: An Analysis from the Experience of Farmers in Mexico City
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


Alternative food networks
food activism
farmer markets
food activism
prefigurative politics
Mexico City


How to Cite

Ortiz Cossío, A. ., & Gravante, T. (2023). Alternative Food Networks as Ecosocial Laboratory: An Analysis from the Experience of Farmers in Mexico City. Textual, (82), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual.2023.82.5


This article proposes to analyze the alternative food networks (AFN) from the food activism approach and from the experiences of urban farmers in three alternative markets in Mexico City. First, we will explore how farmers interpret their experience in the AFN and what they mean to them. In the second part, we will address how the relationships fostered by farmers are able to transform the urban consumer into a prosumer. Finally, we will observe how the agroecological practice of the projects that constitute the AFN is the consequence of certain values. The results of this research highlight that the AFN represent an ecosocial laboratory where relational forms between human beings and nature, different from the neoliberal model, are the experimented and proposed. The present study was developed from December 2019 to December 2020, following the logic of methodological pluralism.



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