Assessment of the sustainability criteria for forest management in Amanalco de Becerra, state of Mexico
ISSNe: 2395-9177   |   ISSN: 0185-9439


forest management
handling method


How to Cite

Castelán Lorenzo, M., & Bastida Tapia, A. (2024). Assessment of the sustainability criteria for forest management in Amanalco de Becerra, state of Mexico . Textual, (83), 85–108. https://doi.org/10.5154/r.textual/2023.83.04


Sustainable forest management considers the management of forests to achieve one or more specific objectives, such as the continuous production of forest products and services, without reducing their inherent values and future productivity, taking into account the social, economic and environmental sectors when harvesting the forest. The ejidatarios’ forest in Amanalco de Becerra, State of Mexico, was visited in order to observe forestry practices and to identify and document whether they comply with the sustainability principles set out by Mexican Standard NMX-AA-143-SCFI-2008 for certification purposes. The methodology consisted of locating the properties under management and, with the help of forestry technical service providers, inspecting the felling areas and management practices, considering the nine criteria established by the standard. As a result, it was found that the areas under management and harvesting meet the sustainability standards set out by the certifying bodies throughout the process, in the planning, preparation and execution stages. Of the 11 ejidos in the municipality, seven have been certified and the remaining four are in the process despite having technological limitations, differences in vision among members and a lack of organization.



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